Trust and the 20 second hug

We found this interesting headline the other day:-

"A hug that lasts 20 seconds releases Oxytocin which can make someone trust you more" (

There are lots of articles around the web associated with the benefits of Oxytocin  - the challenge for businesses is how do they generate a virtual hug with existing and potential customers.

Chime's recent Power of Good research showed that of the 3 Good aspects consumers look for in brands, ENGAGEMENT (or Brand Warmth) was the hardest to score highly in.

Brands that managed this, such as Samsung, Waitrose and Warburtons, make great efforts for their customers to be able to interact with the brand at many levels, getting to know what the brand stands for and understanding how they can get involved beyond just buying products.

Pets at Home also were seen to perform well in this area- of course they, through their open door policy for owners bringing their pets into stores, do get the opportunity to hug the end customer!

If you want to find out more about the work we have undertaken around Trust, please click here.

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